
Archive for the ‘Week 1’ Category

End of Week 1 pictures

For those who are interested (and my own personal record!), here are the pictures to go with the end of week one.

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Week 1 Day 7

Made it through all the workouts despite a late start. However, I didn’t feel much like eating, so it ended up being a “fast day” for me. I finally had a little roasted chicken (without the skin) and steamed broccoli just to keep something in my system.

I feel good.  The workouts had me sweating and shaking by the time I was done, but nothing that I didn’t recover from with a bit of hydration and rest. I was tempted to simply push the fast into the next three days to allow me more time for working on my school work catch-up but then decided against that approach since I didn’t know how it would affect any potential muscle loss at the same time.

I’ll finish up with the supplements and then probably take a hot bath before bedtime to help relax me and get me ready for another workday tomorrow. Pleased with results thus far.

Measurements at end of week 1 (mind you, this includes missing workouts on two days!).

Body Location Right (where applicable) Left (where applicable)


Waist at Umbilicus


Natural Waist




Upper Thigh



Lower Thigh



Upper Arm



Weight as of 6/13/10

132 lbs

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Week 1 Day 6

Not a great day for workouts because many other things demanded by attention as essentially a single parent. I’ve been putting off other tasks during the week that are on a strict timeline in order to get the workouts done and now I had to “do or die” in either getting them started or finishing them off.  However, rather than jumping into the car for every chore, I convinced my daughter that making the trip on foot, whenever possible, would do us good so I managed to get in 5 or 6 miles of walking yesterday.

I didn’t eat much either.  Stuck with the nutritional recommendations, but I just wasn’t hungry. Stressed out?  Yes.  Hungry? No.  I’ll try using the recommended herbals and see if that helps although I’ve only been able to locate them locally in tablet form.

Up late reading through references for a paper that is due in two weeks during the evening of Day 6.  Eish. It seems like there is never enough time to accomplish everything, but I still got in a solid eight hours of sleep before getting up on Day 7.  I just went to bed and let my body take it from there, sleeping as long as I needed. I also managed to multi-task enough to get my laundry done today, so not everything essential is waiting for tomorrow.

Time to get “back on target” and switch my attitude to one of taking some time for myself rather than seeing the program as another chore in a list of chores.

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Week 1 Day 5

Busy trying to keep up with everything.  My brain is still stressed out over the paper I need to write.  I feel like I should just “hole up” for the weekend someplace other than home (with all the work around me that no one else seems to think needs done – college students live in rooms that resemble ground zero). However, the U where I can be near my office may be the best choice because I want to keep up with the workouts now that I can move again!

I added an extra circuit and am now up to five, but that was really pulling it out of me and I was sweating and shaky at the end.  Same thing earlier today, but most of the work is done now although my numbers were down a little.  I can feel the arms developing.  I’ll be forcing myself off to bed on time just to make sure that I get my rest in.  I want that tummy blubber GONE by the time these thirty days are up.  It either shapes up or ships out!

The soreness is mostly gone, but I noticed a bit of pain in my left groin area during the morning workout.  Something new that bears watching until I figure out how to best manage it.  I’ll up my supplements tonight to see if that helps with whatever is going on there plus getting rid of any residual.

The farmers’ market will be opening next weekend and will be a fine opportunity for biking and getting produce fresher than the stores for less.  I’m looking forward into adding that back into my summer routine.

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MAP Week 1 Day 4

Hooray!!  I finally feel like me again.  Although I’m a little sore, I’m two workouts through the day and will do one as soon as I get home and save the relaxing stretches for before bed.

Sleep is the biggest issue, hands down.  I’ve been stressing about a paper that I need to hand in in three weeks and just had a two hour meeting with my adviser.  Now it looks like things will take a slightly different direction which will require more “quickie” research and analysis – on a weekend that has the university network down for upgrade.  Oh, well. That will be a good time to make an outline, look at what I have, and see where I might want to do some digging. So, I stay up after work at the computer and time passes before I realize how horribly late it’s gotten and that I am now settling for six hours or less.  Need I say not a good idea?

Last night I passed on the research and got into bed by 10:30 for a 6:30 a.m. wake-up.  I was still out cold when the alarm went off and realize that I could have probably easily slept for another hour or two. Instead, I’ll have to budget my time more carefully, which means creating a schedule and sticking with it or having a darned good reason to deviate.

Oh, and my advisor?  she asked for a link to Dax’s website.  ;D

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MAP Week 1 Day 3

Okay, now it’s getting frustrating. I’m so sore that I can hardly move and having to bend over, get into the car, or sit for long periods of time is surprisingly painful.  I’m going to take another long soak in salt water tonight, really watch the fluids and supplement intake and definitely need to up my protein intake.  I practically live on salads and lightly steamed veggies and didn’t realize how low I’d let it go until I did a two day review.  I took a walk with my younger daughter just to get out and move for a bit plus another walk at work today and those wiped me out.

As far as my goals go, I’d like to drop another 10 pounds this round, so I’m watching my food choices carefully to get a good mix of nutrient dense ones.  Hydration will also need to be pushed just to make sure I get all that water in.  Sleep has been a major challenge this past week.  I think my on-again/off-again/maybe relationship will have to go for a while.  Not a bad choice given we live over an hour’s drive away and arranging meet-ups isn’t always convenient for either of us as we are both students. Neat guy, but life can’t go on hold while he makes up his mind and I need my evenings for catching up on my school work and the self-love of getting myself fit and staying there.

I was down another pound on the scale this morning, but that could be more water flush-out.  I tend to be rather doubtful of sudden “big” losses like that.

I cough and my abdomen aches, I turn and my obliques scream, and just touching other areas is uncomfortable.  Hmmmm.  Sounds like the program is hitting all the right places.

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MAP Week 1 Day 2

Oh, the pain.  I have to chuckle because I don’t remember it feeling quite this bad the first time around, but then again, that may just be memory failure.

I did my pre-workout warm-up on the outside patio in order to have room to use the large dowel I purchased just for those stretches. The density of my early workout certainly fell off from yesterday, mostly due to the pain of trying to move all those muscles so quickly again.  Second workout of the day- I managed one circuit, tried the second and was shaking so hard and unable to move my body that I had to accept what I had for the moment to give my body a chance to recover.  Meeting sixty miles away after work, so there will be no evening workouts.  It happens.  I’ll watch my diet and take my supplements before I go to bed.

Now it’s late and I need to get some sleep before the alarm goes off in a few hours for the first workout of tomorrow.

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MAP Week 1 Day 1

It’s amazing how challenging it can be to plan and work everything in on a crazy Monday. Add that to not feeling totally tip-top lately and it’s been an interesting day.  However, I’ve made it through everything although not at my usual intensity. My baselines are set, I stuck with the diet, and right now I’m feeling shaky and perspiring after a final workout, a hot salt bath with plenty of ice water refreshment nearby, and a body that I know is going to be sore tomorrow. All in a good way, though.

Strangely enough, after carefully sticking with the elimination diet the past few days, I suddenly saw the scale jump up several pounds. Hmmm.  Pulling in a bit of water for a major toxin flush? One reason for the hot bath tonight in addition to trying to minimize the day after soreness since I’ll hit them all again tomorrow.

I’ll post my initial goals tomorrow so I can see how things improve as the days go by.  For now, I need to get into bed to get a chance at a decent night’s sleep.  I have a feeling that this is NOT going to be one of those tossing and turning nights.

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